Major App Refresh!
It’s the Mojo app you know, but faster and easier to use! We’ve updated the look and feel, removed any unnecessary access requests (good riddance), added intro screens, and made the “Nearest Mojo” experience smoother. And for good measure we fixed some bugs while we were there. Happy coffee-drinking everyone. Our app is back and better than ever before!
As well as a slick new look, you can still scan the QR code at the counter to get your 10% discount and load your account with balance to make your purchases easier.
Keep an eye out over the next few months, we’ll be bringing some great new things to the app to make your coffee journey easier, faster, and smarter!
Need help with a specific thing? Email our helpful app team on app@mojo.coffee and we can help. Our in-store teams are the best baristas in the business, but they’re not the IT team!