We’re proud to work with many local suppliers across the country who share the same philosophy and sustainability values as us here at Mojo Coffee.
After looking at how they could create oat milk locally, using this delicious, sustainable superfood, the Otis Oat M!ilk team got in touch with the NZ Oat Growers Group and well, kicked things off. They have now created New Zealand's first homegrown oat milk using southern-grown oats, harvested by Kiwi farmers. Not only are oats a sustainable crop, they are rich in fibre – Otis oat milk includes the beta glucans too, which can be beneficial to improving both heart health and cholesterol levels
Unfortunately, the infrastructure isn’t in NZ yet for the production of oat milk, so the oats take a bit of a journey over to Sweden to be processed. The Otis team are working on building their own ‘Plant Plant’ here in NZ, but in the meantime, to help offset the round trip, they have committed to being a carbon positive company. This means they offset 120% of their business operations emissions. The requirement for milk alternatives in a cafe these days is essential.
We want to ensure we can provide an option for as many of our customers as possible whilst still staying true to our values. Otis ticks lots of boxes for us and we are proud to serve their barista m!lk across our cafes, share it with our wholesale partners and even offer it for you at home, via our web store.
We’re adding it into our coffees, into our smoothies, pouring it onto our granola and also think you can’t beat it as one of our Mojo X Wellington Chocolate Factory hot chocolates!
For more information, see otisoatmilk.co.nz